Emblica officinalis

Latin name: Emblica officinalis
English name: Indian Gooseberry
Sanskrit / Indian name: Amala, Avala

  • It’s fruit contains the highest amount of vitamin C in natural form and cytokine-
    like substances identified as zeatin, z.riboside, z. nucleotide.
  • It’s fruit is acrid, cooling, refrigent, diuretic, laxative and used in the 
    preparation of hair dyes.
  • Fruit oil has the property of promoting hair growth and nourishes the scalp. 
    The dried fruit is useful in hemorrhage, diarrhea and dysentery.
  • It has anabolic, antibacterial expectorant cardiotonic and resistance building 
    properties and used in the treatment of leucorrhea and arteriosclerosis.
  • It prevents infections by supporting immune system and help in the healing 
    of ulcers.
  • It has property to reach in each and every cell of the body. Hence it cures 
    the diseases from cellular levels.

Eugenia caryphyllata, Caryophyllus aromaticus, Syzygium aromaticum

Latin name: Eugenia caryphyllata, Caryophyllus aromaticus, Syzygium aromaticum
English name: Clove
Sanskrit / Indian name: Lavanga

  • A pyramidal or conical evergreen tree with gland dotted leaves cultivated 
    mainly for the flower buds (cloves).
  • The clove bud oil contains free eugenol acetate, Gallic acid and caryophyllene 
    as its main constituents that are good antioxidants.
  • The cloves are aromatic, stimulant and carminative that is used against cramps 
    of the digestive tract.
  • Useful for nausea and vomiting like daily facing gastric problems. They are used 
    in various forms of gastric irritations and dyspepsia.
  • They are administrated to relieve nausea and vomiting, to correct flatulence and 
    to excite languid digestion.
  • The oil is used as a local analgesic for hypersensitive dentine and carious cavities; 
    a mixture of oil and zinc calx is used as a temporary filling for tooth-cavities.
  • Used externally, the oil is rubefaceint and counterirritant; internally, it is 
    carminative and antispasmodic.
  • It is useful in coughs and other respiratory disorders and acts as an expectorant.
  • It improves the breath and is popular remedy for sore throat, headaches and coryza.
  • In asthmatic patients it relives the bronchial spasm of alveoli.

Foeniculum vulgare

Latin name: Foeniculum vulgare
English name: Fennel
Sanskrit / Indian name: Shatapushpa, Saunf

The fruits are aromatic, stimulant and carminative. They are useful in diseases of the 
chest, spleen and kidney. Fennel oil is mildly carminative and useful in infantile colic 
and flatulence. It relieves gripping abdominal pain and distention. The essential oil 
from the seeds is reported to have emmenogogue, oxytocic and abortifacient properties.

Glycyrrhizha glabra

Latin name: Glycyrrhizha glabra
English nameLicorice
Sanskrit / Indian nameYashti-madhu, Jeshthamadh

The principal constituent is glycyrrhizin. Licorice is used for the treatment of asthma,
acute and chronic bronchitis and chronic cough. It modulates the immune system and
has shown remarkable immuno-stimulant properties. It has an antioxidant activity. It is a
mild anti-inflammatory for arthritis and is used to treat stomach ulceration or inflammation, heartburn and mouth ulcers. It cures irritable conditions of the mucus membrane, and strengthens the immune system and provides resistance in recurring infections. The
plant contains phytoestrogens in the form of isoflavones such as glabrone, neoliquirtin
and hispaglabridin A & B.

Gymnema sylvestre

Latin name: Gymnema sylvestre
English name: Gymnema 
Sanskrit / Indian name: Gudmar / Meshashringi 

It’s principal constituent is gymnemic acid, which has anti-diabetic properties. The plant
is stomachic, stimulant, laxative and diuretic. It abolishes the taste of sugar and is 
believed to neutralize excessive sugar present in the body in diabetes mellitus. The leaf extracts contain gymneric acid, which is said to inhibit hyperglycemia. It has also been 
shown to have a regenerative effect on pancreatic beta cells and is insulin tropic.

Ipomoea digitata

Latin name: Ipomoea digitata
English name: Milky Yam 
Sanskrit / Indian name: Vidari

Powdered root is given for diseases of the spleen and liver, for menorrhagia,debility nad fact accumulation. Roots contain beta-sitosterol and a neutral compound, a fixed oil and glycoside.

Mesua ferrea

Latin name: Mesua ferrea
English name: Ironwood Tree
Sanskrit / Indian name: Nagakesara, Keshara

It’s principal constituent is the volatile oil from the flowers show antibacterial, antifungal and anthelmintic activities. It exhibits significant anti-inflammatory and styptic activity. 

Mucuna pruriens

Latin name: Mucuna pruriens
English name: Cow-Itch Plant
Sanskrit / Indian name: Kapikachchhu, Kavachbij


  • It is a twining annual climber. Its principal constituents are L-DOPA and the bioactive alkaloids mucunine, mucunadine, mucuadinine, pruienine and 
    nicotine as well as beta-sitosterol, glutathione, lecithin, oils, venolic and gallic acids.
  • L –DOPA is a neurotransmitter precursor, an effective drug for relief in 
    Parkinson’s disease.
  • The seed is a prophylactic against oligospermia and is useful in increasing sperm 
    count, ovulation in women, etc.
  • It is a good aphrodisiac and also a nervine tonic. It is used in the treatment 
    of spermatorrhea and diseases of the genitourinary system.

Momordica charantia

Latin name: Momordica charantia
English name: Bitter Gourd
Sanskrit / Indian name: Karavella, Karle

It’s principal constituents are lectins, charantin and momordicine. The fruits have long been used in India as a folk remedy for diabetes mellitus. Lectins from the bitter gourd have shown significant antilipolytic and lipogenic activities.

Mysterica fragnance (Myristica fragrans)

Latin name: Mysterica fragnance (Myristica fragrans)
English name: Nutmeg
Sanskrit / Indian name: Jaiphal, Jatipatra


  • Its principal constituents are Nutmeg, which has fixed oil, a volatile oil and starch, and Mace, which has a volatile oil (oil of Mace) and amylodextrin.
  • The oil extract of the tree is used as a counter irritant and stimulates blood flow to the area applied.
  • Nutmeg is reported to be an expectorant, vermifuge, aphrodisiac, and as a nervine 
    used by psychiatrists.
  • It is used in tonics and electuaries and is recommended for the treatment of 
    inflammations of the bladder and urinary tract.
  • Mace is used ssin folk medicine for the treatment of rheumatism. It has 
    anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and antibacterial properties.
  • It is counter irritant but stimulate the blood flow that’s why used in fairness agent, 
    glowing agent for fair and glowing face.

Nardostachys jatamansi

Latin name: Nardostachys jatamansi
English name: Musk Root
Sanskrit / Indian name: Jatamansi

It’s principal constituents are jatamansone, jatamanshic acid and virolin. It has analgesic and stimulant properties. It promotes hair growth and imparts a black color to the hair.

Ocimum sanctum

Latin name: Ocimum sanctum
English name: Holy Basil
Sanskrit / Indian name: Tulasi, Vishnu priya

The leaves yield a volatile oil, which is reported to possess antibacterial, anti-inflammatory
and insecticide properties. An aqueous decoction of the whole dried plant is reported to lower blood sugar level. The juice of the leaves possesses diaphoretic, antiperiodic, stimulating and expectorant properties; it is used in catarrh and bronchitis and is applied
to the skin in ringworm and other cutaneous diseases.

Onosma bracteatum

Latin name: Onosma bracteatum
English name: Sedge
Sanskrit / Indian name: Gojihva

The drug is used as a tonic, alternative, demulcent, diuretic and refrigerant. It is useful 
as a spasmolytic

Operculina turpethum, Ipomoea turpethum

Latin name: Operculina turpethum, Ipomoea turpethum
Sanskrit / Indian name: Nishottar

It’s principal constituent is a glycosidic resin. The drug is used as a purgative.

Petroselinum crispum

Latin name: Petroselinum crispum
English name: Parsley
Sanskrit / Indian name: Ova, Ajamoda

Parsley contains two types of unusual components that provide unique health benefits. 
The first type is volatile oil components-including myristicin, limonene, eugenol, and 
alpha-thujene. The second type is flavonoids-including apiin, apigenin, crisoeriol, and 
luteolin. The flavonoids in parsley-especially luteolin-have been shown to function as antioxidants that combine with highly reactive oxygen-containing molecules (called 
oxygen radicals) and help prevent oxygen-based damage to cells. In addition, extracts 
from parsley have been used in animal studies to help increase the antioxidant capacity 
of the blood. It is a rich source of vitamin C and vitamin A.

Picrorhiza kurroa

Latin name: Picrorhiza kurroa
Sanskrit / Indian name: Katuka, kutki

The plant is mainly used as the therapy for liver and lung diseases. The plant exhibits
potent immunostimulant activity and is considered a immunomodulatory agent. The
phenolic glycoside, androsin isolated from the plant, is reported to be as active
compound, which prevents allergic and platelet activating factor-induced bronchial obstruction in guinea pigs in vitro. It also has anti-inflammatory activity.

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