Celastrus paniculatus

Latin name: Celastrus paniculatus
English name: Climbing Staff Tree
Sanskrit / Indian name: Jotishamati / Kanguni

The seeds possess emetic, diaphroretic, febrifuge and nervine properties and are used for sharpening the memory and also used to cure sores, ulcers, rheumatism and gout. It’s therapeutic uses include treating anxiety and beriberi. Alcoholic extract has anti-inflammatory and sedative properties.

Centella asiatica

Latin name: Centella asiatica
English name: Indian Pennywort
Sanskrit / Indian name: Mandukaparni

It includes the glycosides indocentelloside, brahminoside, asiaticoside, thankuniside and isothankunside. In ayurveda, the plant is used for the treatment of leprosy and skin diseases and also to improve memory, as an antidote to cholera, and in bronchitis, asthma, gastric trouble, catarrh, leucorrhea, kidney troubles, urethritis and dropsy. The plant also has tranquilizing,  ansbolic, antiprotozoal   and spasmolytic properties. It helps to improve memory,
increases concentration and intellectual ability in children.

Cinnamomum camphora

Latin name: Cinnamomum camphora
English name: Camphor
Sanskrit / Indian name: Karpoora

It is obtained as colorless or white crystals, granules or crystalline masses, or colorless to white translucent, tough masses, it acts as a carminative, reflex expectorant and reflex stimulant of the heart, circulation and respiration. It has also been used as a nervine depressant in hysteria, epilepsy. The oil extract has a peculiar fragrance and act as a skin stimulant   and counter   irritant when  applied  externally. Camphor   has  been used to treat 
ailments ranging from parasitic infections to toothaches.

Cinnamomum tamala

Latin name: Cinnamomum tamala
English name: 
Cinnamomum Leaf 
Sanskrit / Indian name: 

Cassia cinnamon leaves are frequently used for garnishing foods in India and various other countries. Extract of leaves shows a moderate degree of local antiseptic activity

Cinnamomum zeylanicum

Latin name: Cinnamomum zeylanicum 
English name : Spreading Hogweed
Sanskrit / Indian name: Twak, Dalchini 

  • Cinnamon bark is one of the common ingredients in spice mixtures used in India.
  • Dalchini is known to increase salivation and to improve digestive functions.
  • It also acts as a local antiseptic by virtue of its antibacterial action.
  • Cinnamon bark oil contains eugenol, cinnamaldehyde, benzaldehyde, methyl amyl 
    ketone, phellandrene, pinene, cymene, nonyl aldehyde, carophyllene and ester 
    of isobutyric acid.
  • It has local heating effect on the chest’s cough i.e. it is looses irritating cough.
  • It has the special property to enhance the functions of reproductive system in both 
    male and female. In females it help uterus to contract properly. Hence it is used in 
    menorregic problems.
  • Cinnamon acid is one of contain of Dalchini which is used as anti tubercular agent.

Cocos nucifera

Latin name: Cocos nucifera
English name: Coconut
Sanskrit / Indian name: Narikela, Naral 

The oil extract is a good emollient, can be used externally for softening the lips and in various cosmetics. It is used in uterine diseases and a polysaccharide factor in the plants is immunomodulator. Coconut water is used in local application in small pox to avoid the burning sensation also it helps in avoiding the spots left after it. It is also effective on the skin disorders.  It is good way to avoid   dehydration. It is also relives from    hyperacidity. It is very 
much effective in ulcers especially gastric ones. It is also   reduces the inflammation caused in 
the gastro intestinal tract. It is  also effective in cases of diarrhea and dysentery. Coconut oil 
is used   in nourishing   hairs and helps in increasing the length of the hairs.  It is also used in 
applying on the burned skin and relieving from the pain caused in burning. It helps preventing 
the skin disorders. Coconut fruit is used in controlling the menstrual disorders. It is also helps 
in avoiding the general body weakness.

Convolvulus microphyllus, C. pluricaulis

Latin name: Convolvulus microphyllus, C. pluricaulis
Sanskrit / Indian name: Shankhpushpi

The plant is reported to be memory-improving drug. It is used as a psycho-stimulant and tranquilizer. The plant contains the alkaloids convolamine, phyllabine, convolidine, confoline, convoline.

Commiphora mukul, Commiphora wightii

Latin name: Commiphora mukul, Commiphora wightii
English name: Indian Bdellium
Sanskrit / Indian name: Guggulu, Guggul


  • It is a small shrub or tree with spine scent branches.
  • It’s gum resin has astringent, antiseptic and antisuppurative properties and 
    is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  • The muous membranes of the body, in the course of which it stimulates and 
    disinfects their secretions, excrete it.
  • It also contains guggulsterones Z and E, guggulsterols I-V, two diterperoids- a 
    terpene hydrocarbon named cembrane A.
  • It is used against obesity. Guggulipid is hypocholesteremic and assists in burning 
    excess body fat.
  • It helps in the digestion of distributed ‘doshas and dhatus’. Hence effective in 
    septic condition.
  • It has analgesic properties, which relieves the joint pain.
  • It have special property “yogvahi” i.e. when it is in combination with other drug 
    it helps to enhance the action of other drugs.

Convolvulus microphyllus, C. pluricaulis

Latin name: Convolvulus microphyllus, C. pluricaulis
Sanskrit / Indian name: Shankhpushpi

The plant is reported to be memory-improving drug. It is used as a psycho-stimulant and tranquilizer. The plant contains the alkaloids convolamine, phyllabine, convolidine, confoline, convoline.

Crataeva nurvala, C. magna

Latin name: Crataeva nurvala, C. magna
English name: Three Leaved Caper
Sanskrit / Indian name: Varuna

It is a medium sized deciduous tree found throughout India, especially along the riverbanks.
It has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, lithontripic, demulcent and tonic properties. Bark yields ceryl alcohol, betulinic acid, etc. It is used in disorders of urinary organs, urinary tract infections, pain and burning micturition, renal and vesical calculi. It is very widely used in kidney stones. It also promotes digestion and eases the extra burden on liver. It also relies
from pain in abdomen. It purifies blood. Any kind of infection and worm infestation is
treated by Varun.

Curcuma longa

Latin name: Curcuma longa
English name: Turmeric
Sanskrit / Indian name: Haridra, Nisha, Rajani, Halad

It’s principal constituent is Curcumin, which is a diferuloyl methane. In Indian systems of medicine, turmeric is used to some extent as a stomachic, tonic and blood purifier. It is 
also prescribed as an antiperiodic alterative. Externally, it is applied to indolent ulcers. A decoction of the rhizome is said to relieve the purulent ophthalmia. Oil of turmeric, 
distilled from the dried rhizomes, has feeble antiseptic properties. It is an antacid, and, in 
small doses, acts as a carminative, stomachic, appetizer and tonic. In large doses, however, 
it appears to acts as an antispasmodic inhibiting excessive peristaltic movements of the 
intestines. It also possesses anti-inflammatory properties.

Cyperus rotandus

Latin name: Cyperus rotandus
English name: Nut grass
Sanskrit / Indian name: Mustaka

The tubers contain an essential oil. The tubers are diaphoretic and astringent. They
are also credited with antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, anthelmintic, carminative, stomachic, emmenagogue and stimulant properties. Musta is a rich source
of minerals such as Cu, Mg, Mn and Ni.

Cyperus scariosus

Latin name: Cyperus scariosus
English name: Umbrella’s Edge
Sanskrit / Indian name: Nagarmotha, Nagaramustaka

The tubers are credited with astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic, desiccant, cordial and stomachic properties. A decoction of the tuber is used for washing hair, treating gonorrhea and syphills. It is also given in diarrhea and for general weakness.


Sanskrit / Indian name: Dashamoola

It is the composition of 10 different plant roots. It is anti-inflammatory and effective in bronchitis, cough, headache, weakness, and drowsiness and digestive problems.

Eclipta alba, E. prostrate

Latin name: Eclipta alba, E. prostrata
Sanskrit / Indian name: Bhringaraja

  • It’s principal constituent is wedelolactone and demethyl wedelolactone.
  • It is used as a tonic and deobstruent in hepatic and splenic enlargements 
    and in skin diseases.
  • The plant juice is administered in combination with aromatics for catarrhal jaundice.
  • The fresh leaves juice is applied on the scalp for promoting hair growth.
  • Bhringaraja is acts as an inhibitor for white hair, increased fatigue, and 
    visual loss.
  • It promotes the hair growth as well as in combination with “amala” it colors 
    the hair.
  • We are also using Bhringaraja as sworas or in ghan formula because heat 
    effect looses it’s most of qualities.
  • Hence because of regular use of Bhringaraja we can inhibit all above aging 
    hesitating problems, which makes us younger.
  • It increases the appetite and power of digestion.
  • Bhringaraja is called as ‘Pitta-mitra’ and eye is one of the main sites of action 
    of pitta.
  • ‘Alochak’ pitta is working in the eye region. This pitta is also regulated by 
    Bhringaraja and increases our eyesight.
  • It also controls the vata.

Elettaria cardamomum

Latin name: Elettaria cardamomum
English name: Cardamom
Sanskrit / Indian name: Ela, Velchi

It is used as an adjuvant to carminative, aromatic stimulant and flavoring agent. Volatile components of cardamom exhibit antimicrobial activity. The oil has antiaflatoxin 
substance. In herbal medicine, cardamom is chewed slowly to sweeten the breath, as aphrodisiac, to soothe digestion, stimulate the appetite, used against flatulence, colic
and disorders of the body, often combined with purgatives to offset griping. It is also 
reported to possess anti-inflammatory, analgesic and cardio tonic properties.

Embelia ribes

Latin name: Embelia ribes
English name: False Black Pepper
Sanskrit / Indian name: Vavading, Tandula, Vidangam

Its principal constituents are embelin, quercitol and fatty ingredients. An alkoloid, christembine, a resinoid, tannins and minute quantities of a volatile oil are present. The
dried fruit is considered anthelmintic, astringent, carminative, alterative and stimulant.
It is effective in the treatment of ascariasis. The dried fruits are used in decoction for
fevers and for diseases of the chest and skin. The fruit also shows antibacterial activity.
It is used as a vermifuge.

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